Monday, January 18, 2010


Devotion... what really is devotion ? ...i’ve never really asked myself that question truthfully...i keep lying to myself ,relying on what others think it is...but yesterday, God used someone to impact my life...he said, GOD is different to each and everyone of us thats why we each experience him differently..that is why GOD is soo much different !!! ...he’s a relational i said ,we each experience him differently and personally people asked me...(i have no idea why either but im glad they got me thinking...)do i have to do devotion, how do i do it ?why must we do it?...well my friends this is what devotion means to me...devotion is a time where GOD breathes into my life, he gives me faith to live for him when i speak to him, he uses me for his kingdom and im glad that he do to devotion? Devotion is not something you ‘do’ ,its something you would want in your life...devotion comes from the word ‘devote’ soo don’t think of it as a chore but more of a lifestyle ,i want to DEVOTE my life to Jesus today ,i want to spend my time with him and not be a leech and suck the blood out of HIS wounds...just asking for forgiveness and when i need it or offer up worship to him only when i need something..but getting back to the question on how do you ‘do’ devotion? here are some steps: STEP 1:IT HAS TO BE A CHOICE!!!,STEP 2: have a set place on where to have devotion... STEP 3: Start by listening to God, read the Bible and spend time meditating on it,( Devotion is not a good time to follow a reading plan, otherwise you will get sucked into a "have to" and not spend time listening to God.) STEP 4: Involve prayer in your meditation STEP 5: Set out to read a passage of Scripture rather than a verse or two, context is important; but if you do find that one verse has a lot to say to you allow yourself the flexibility to meditate on one verse. STEP 6: Keep a devotional journal. (It can be a very useful tool for remembering how things touched you and reflecting further or at a later date) STEP 7: Go through a few questions before starting, such as: Do I need to forgive anyone? Do I have to ask anyone to forgive me? Is anything in my heart blocking me from getting the most from this personal act of devotion? Do I need to confess any sin? ( unforgivness can be a major blockage )STEP 8:ENJOY THE RELATIONSHIP! BTW the points aren’t mine i found them but im using them to ‘do’ my devotion...and the last question im going to answer today is : do i have to do it?/is it a must?...well my friends devotion is a product that comes from the heart ... because you love GOD you’ll wana spend time with a girlfriend or a boyfriend ,wife or husband would want to spend time all your time with them right? Soo should GOD get any lesser time? ask yourself for the sure you understand my point...

Hellooos, E510s! The post up there is not what I type, is what my class chairman post on his blog, because I asked him "what's devotion?" today && he told me to see what he post.(:

-Lek KaiLing(: